
ONE banner.

So, I have been busy getting ready for my baby boy's first birthday party... doing a little bit at a time (it's the beginning of June) I made this super easy "ONE" banner - I am not sure where I am going to put it yet. Thinking of maybe on a wagon on the way into the party, or on his highchair...what do you think??

It really is the easiest thing - make a quick template of what shape you want the banner flags to be. I always seem to do triangles so I tried to mix it up a little bit. I just used cardstock to cut the shape I wanted and then cut out 3 flags. Then just simply use stamps or stencils to write one letter on each banner - and wahla! Add any color ribbon you desire and you are done! SERIOUSLY, 5 minutes! If you haven't noticed that's about the only kind of projects I take on, EASY EASY ones :) Can't wait until the little Mister's Birthday Party!